How To Recycle Old Computers

computers in recycling bin

Taking computer recycling seriously is very important if you want to make your contribution towards a greener planet. There are currently no federal regulations on e-waste recycling, so individual states have to come up with their own regulations. Only about half of the states in the US have so far come up with such regulations. However, regardless of which state you live in, it is a matter of responsibility to find out the available computer recycling options.

Where Computers Can be Recycled  Near You

There are different organizations that have initiated recycling programs across North America. If you check with you can easily find out the nearest recycling centers or options available for you. Even some manufacturers of computers and other electronics may have their own programs, or partner with third-party organizations to take back used machines from their customers for recycling. So you should check with your computer manufacturer if they have allowed customers any recycling options.

Earth911 partners with Dell among other computer manufacturers as well as organizations involved in more recycling programs across the country. One of their partners,, is also another leader in the computer recycling sector. They mainly take care of battery recycling and you can check on their website too to find a drop-off location near you. There is a large network of organizations involved in the recycling business and wherever you live should still be able find an option for recycling computers.

Why You Should Have Computers Recycled

Throwing away a used computer or any part of the computer to the trash to end up in a landfill is not an option. The circuit boards and other parts often contain toxic materials such as lead, chromium, beryllium, cadmium, mercury, brominated flame retardants and much more. That makes e-waste from computers a great environmental concern. Throwing the e-waste in trash where it mixes with regular waste is a terrible decision. The normal waste management systems that most cities use do not take care of e-waste. When computer parts end up burned, toxic materials like lead, mercury, copper and others leach into the soil and may easily end up in food chains eventually harming humans.

Do Not Attempt Recycling at Home

Recycling computers yourself may also not be a good idea because proper systems and recycling processes are required to avoid toxic effects. Some people burn parts of computers including PVC materials in order to extract metals like copper. In addition to contaminating the soil, such processes leave people exposed to extremely toxic gases released in the air.

Get Paid Cash For Recycling

With most computer recycling programs, you can actually get paid some cash for your old computers. That depends on whether your old machine still has any useful components that may be of value if reused. Different recycling programs may have their own rules determining when they can pay cash to recycle. Some manufacturers will either pay cash for the old computers they take back or allow trade-ins to benefit their customers. Whichever option best applies to you, getting your old computer junk recycled instead of using valuable space at home or office is definitely a great choice.