We live in a wireless world that runs on batteries, most of which contain toxic metals that can be extremely harmful to the environment. Only a very small percentage of alkaline batteries get recycled after use. At least for the car batteries that contain lead and acid, the recycling rate in the US is over 90%. That has been possible because manufacturers of such batteries have initiated the efforts to recycle them. However, for most of the smaller batteries commonly used in households, many efforts in creating awareness for recycling are needed.
Don’t just throw away batteries after use
Lead, cadmium, mercury, cobalt and other toxic materials contained in different types of batteries should never find their way to the landfills. If that happens, they will cause soil contamination and finally find their way into the water or food that we end up consuming. The toxic effects on humans include diseases like cancer, respiratory and kidney problems. So if you are kind to our planet should never throw batteries into the trash. Your city’s municipal solid waste management processes cannot take care of that. So all the batteries you have used in various devices at home should go to a recycling center near you.
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Find a Collection Point or Battery Recycling Center
There are numerous centers or collection points for battery recycling programs throughout the US. You can call your city to find out where they are located, but checking out online with organizations that champion recycling initiatives could be much easier. You can check with call2recycle.org to find out the nearest drop-off locations. Earth911.com can also similarly help and partners with other organizations involved in various recycling programs. Of course you can also use the Recycling Center Near Me site to locate a battery disposal facility.
Manufacturers of lead acid batteries used in most automobiles or for solar energy storage have established their collection points in almost every part of the country. They mostly use car dealers or sellers of such batteries to help them collect all used batteries from customers for recycling. A certain amount of money may be charged when buying a battery, then it is later refunded upon returning the battery for recycling. When the price of lead in the market increases, demand for used car batteries also increases and encourages recycling.
Get Cash For Your Used Batteries
For used car batteries, most dealers or anyone collecting them for recycling will be willing to pay some cash. The lead metal from the battery can be completely recycled for the manufacturing of new batteries. The same applies to the battery container material. Other types of batteries that contain significant amounts of metals or materials that can be obtained for making new products can also be a source of cash. The industry increasingly finds it easier to depend on recycled materials like metals rather than having more mined.
Be Kind to the Environment
Even if you don’t get paid any cash for certain types of batteries that you help take to recycling facilities, preventing them from getting to the landfills is good enough. You definitely want to live in a clean environment free from the toxic materials contained in batteries. Do your part and support battery recycling programs for greener planet goals to be realized.